Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wade Into Survivor!

I don't watch a lot of tv. I watch even less "reality" tv. And at that, even LESS Survivor. I watched season 2, only because a guy I (sort of) knew from high school was on. (I don't know if I ever actually spoke to him, but my sister and wife knew him, and I knew his older brother. And he was from our small South Dakota town, and so it was kind of cool) And then I watched the next season before we got sick of it. Haven't seen an episode since.

Here comes another one, though! One of the contestants on the new season starting this Thursday is something of an acquaintance from my past. "Friend" is probably too strong a term -- we didn't hang out on the weekends or grab barbeque between classes -- but we were "friendly" and he was one of the few people who didn't mock my band to my face and even came to our shows.

So I say watch Survivor on Thursdays and cheer for "Coach" Ben Wade!!! The early word is that he's probably going to come across as arrogant and you probably won't like him, but all appearances are that he'll go far in the game and provide good tv. Go coach, go!


Charles said...

I love his line from the advert I saw last night: "People are either gonna love me or hate me. I know they're hopefully gonna love me." Maybe I hopefully heard that wrong.

Anonymous said...

Good 'ol Mitch.

Ross said...

Nate did you know Mitch?

Charles, did you know Ben? I missed that line, by the way. But it is funny. WOW I'm glad people don't write down all the stupid crap that I say. . . .

Charles said...

I knew Ben, but not as well as you. Which means I really only knew of him, beyond our exchanges at the mail room. This seems like enough of an excuse to start watching Survivor.