Monday, August 27, 2007

It Must Have Been Hot That Day

Honestly, I don't remember it ever happening, but it must have. One day at work I must have told Nick about the crazy gospel yodeler that my dad used to listen to (with that kind of memory, I sure hope that I never told him about that one time when I . . .), as you can see he referenced in the comments of my last post. After seeing his comment and then wiping chunks of partially chewed meatloaf off of my monitor, I went ahead and tried to google this cat, and apparently they have the internet even in Idaho now. And I'm telling you, if you never, ever click on a link from Flogging, But With a "B" again, click on this one. Really.

My thoughts:

1) This cat is serious. He's a real, live, gospel yodeler, and he's totally into what he's doing. And it's yodeling. Can you even make a joke about that? I know my own musical taste is somewhat off the beaten path, at least for a generally well-adjusted 30-ish dude. I know there are potentially a LOT of jokes there. Well and good. But really . . . did you click the link?

2) If you listen to a bit, it's undeniable that he's really pretty amazing. Now note well that there's a gulf a mile wide and 20 miles deep between "good" and "I like it." Shakespeare In Love was "good." Modern art is "good." Not eating 3 bags of butter lover's microwave popcorn for dinner is "good." I'm just not into a lot of things that are "good." That said, after the laughter stops and you actually get through a couple clips (I suggest "Yodel Your Troubles Away," "She Taught Me How to Yodel", and the classic that started it all, "Jesus Put a Yodel in My Soul"), I think you HAVE to admit that it's kind of fascinating. Not maybe quite in the enjoyable sense, but like if you had a crazy neighbor who dedicated her life to whistling showtunes through her nose, or maybe a friend's dog that could jump rope double-dutch style. In fairness it's not quite the same as a train wreck, but there's this strange "disturbing yet amazing" phenomenon at work, right?

3) He apparently named his daughter "Tammy Sue." It's perfect. And -- oh yeah -- his name is "Buzz." This whole thing is starting to make sense now, actually . . . .

4) Why is there no clip available for "Will the Angels Yodel with Me?" Could we petition, do you think?

5) How priceless is this line: "Nothing stirs up an audience like yodeling, and no one yodels like Buzz Goertzen." Yeah, I read an arictle saying that NWA, Hatebreed, and Buzz Goertzen -- their shows are always the craziest. And, maybe almost as classic: "Buzz currently has ten albums, none of which is available in stores."

6) Buzz, if you ever google yourself (LOVE that phrase!) and come across Flogging, But With a "B," I won't deny that I do think the whole deal is pretty incredibly funny. That said, know that you yodeled me through a South Dakota summer or two in dad's Lumina . . . loudly. We laughed, it's true, but we also loved it (sort of, at least). So please know that it's all in good fun -- the kind of good ribbing that you're only comfortable giving to one of the fellas. Yodel on, my friend, yodel on.


Charles said...

Phew! Let me catch my breath . . . . There's nothing like a freezing cold British morning warmed with a bit of yodeling. I've gotta be honest though, I've always been disappointed with yodelers - too much singing and not enough yodeling. I mean, if you're a yodeler, then yodel! Not even "Yodel Your Troubles Away" really hit it.

Charles said...

Sorry to double-up here, but I've given ol' Buzz a bit more of my time and if yodeling is wrong then I don't want to be right.

Ross said...

I'm sympathetic to your point -- I wish he would go "yodel-only" too. The "regular singing" is like clean vocals in metal -- why would I want that? But, that said, he's the best/only/most proficient yodeler I've ever heard, and therefore is completely beyond reproach or criticism.

Luwinkle said...

I remember our conversation rather clearly. One of our many excessively random convos to pass the monotonous hours away. You told me about him, and that was the joke of the day. If I remember correctly, Greg was walking by and you asked if Jesus put a yodel in his soul..and Greg did what Greg does best..say something offbeat and walk away.

Luwinkle said...

"(with that kind of memory, I sure hope that I never told him about that one time when I . . .)"
Well, we talked about a lot of random I'm fairly certain you did.
Remember that convo that consisted of nothing but random 4 letter words? That should pretty much explain everything.

Anonymous said...

I would have thought is daughters name would have been Heidi!! I agree with Charles that we need more yodel!! (like we need more cow bell)

Anonymous said...

his.....not is (sorry)

Daughter Tammy Sue (aka Heidi!) said...

This is "Daughter Tammy Sue"...yodel-la-de-who! The Idaho Yodeler is my daddy 'O and we have just found this blog and were quite suprised that we were "so famous!" Ha! Yup...Idaho has net, we were wonderin' if Kentucky had teeth yet? :) I've enjoyed yodeling in harmony with my dad and am now giving lessons over the net.....start like this: Send me $39.95 plus shipping and handling of $49.95 at 13 South Cowpie Way, Podunk, Idaho, 83501 and I'll send you a yodel lady who or a little old lady too! Daughter Tammy Sue ( aka Heidi!)

Ross said...

Is this real? It IS real, isn't it? This is REAL!!!

1) Touche (sp? I don't know. . .) on the Kentucky blast -- admittedly the Idaho line was a cheap shot and not that clever. I've actually driven through the northern part on 90 and it was quite beautiful.

2) Is this the only post you saw? You may not know this, but the Buzz/yodeling theme has become a genuine "Flogging. . ." theme and is really quite out of control.

3) ". . . speechless . . ."

Daughter Tammy Sue (aka Heidi!) said...

Well Howdy, Yep,, its me,,
The Idaho Yodeler.
Fancy me finding you guys talking about me.
I don't even remember how I found you cause I don't get into Blogs or flogs or dogs. I know nuthin about "my Space" except someone put some of my songs on there once and I heard about it.
I'm from the generation that still doesn't believe you can actually do stuff like this. I can type and I can yodel so I find E mail is about all I ever do on one of these new fang dangled things.
"how's that fer perfect english?"
All kiddin aside I have enjoyed reading your comments about me.
Course I've always enjoyed attention. Why else would I yodel huh?...... Did make a pretty good living doing it for the last 30 years and am still able but not as busy at it. I do a few shows in the winter in Arizona where I escape from the cold north Idaho.
I find there are alot of my generation going there and they still like my stuff. Down there we jest and laugh about your "MUSIC???" as you did and do mine.
I'm using my daughters blog er what ever you call it cause I don't know or want to know how to get my own.

Thanks for all the attention. I love it..
yours truly
The Idaho yodeler
Buzz Goertzen.

Anonymous said...
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Dave said...

Haha, enjoyed your article about Buzz. Made me laugh and smile. :) Thought you might like to know that Buzz has a new site in the works (it's actually live now) and he's jumped into the 21st century at last with all him music now available on!

In the near future his site will have his music videos that originally aired on the Nashville Network and more.

I first saw Buzz when I was a little kid (I'll be 40 this year). I recently made contact with him and offered to help him get his site updated and his music online. His CDs will eventually be available on and possibly others soon and, as always, you can order CDs from his site so you can get your fill of yodeling if you like. :)

Ok... commercial over (hehe). Have a cool day!