Sunday, June 10, 2007

When More Is NOT Better

As you may remember if you're my regular reader, I don't watch much tv. This afternoon I couldn't nap like normal, however, so I flipped it on. Now I don't have cable, so I get like six channels. What was on TWO of them? Golf.

Now a lot of you are thinking that I'm a hater right about now. Not so. I love golf! I'm terrible, but I have a great time out on the course. I don't like watching it, but there are a million things that I don't like watching, and I have no problem with golf being on tv, or even with you or anybody else watching it. If that's your deal, great. Knock yourself out.

But do we need golf on two broadcast channels simultaneously? Is there ANY kind of reasonable explanation for this? And while I admittedly didn't look closely, I believe that one channel was the "regular" tour or whatever, and the other was the senior tour. Really, how does this happen? What CBS network exec sat in a meeting and said, "Ok team, Fox has the PGA on Sunday afternoons, what can we do to compete with that?" and had somebody answer "I've got it! We'll show golf too, but only OUR golfers will be really old!" And who's flipping channels and says to themselves (or, if they're like me, to their dog), "Oh good, golf. If there's nothing else, that will hold my interest. Hmmm . . . Oh! Even better -- really OLD golfers! This is a REAL step up!"

As you can tell, I just don't get it. There may be a good explanation, but nobody's let me in on the secret. Maybe it's just that the 30 year-old golfers generate too much excitement, so they have to get the geriatric cats to keep people with blood pressure problems healthy longer. A little bit like decaf coffee. If so, that's noble. If it's something else . . . ah, who am I kidding? I don't even want to know -- it's WAY more fun to make up ridiculous hypothetical CBS network programmer dialogs.

1 comment:

Luwinkle said...

I........don't know what to say to this one.