Saturday, August 2, 2008

Nothing to See Here. . .

It's actually true, but I need to post, so here we go.

1) I was initially going to change to Phillies colors after the All-Star break, but after winning the Championship and all I felt compelled to give the green some extra time. But now it's August and the Phils are in first, so we it's time to make a change. Enjoy!

2) The post a couple weeks ago about going off caffeine? I've been completely off for nearly 2 weeks now, and I do feel better, generally. I went from about 250 mg a day down to 200, 150, 100, 75, 54, 42, 34, and finally 20 (some of those rough approximations, but should be close), taking a three or four days at each plateau. I had a few headache issues and a few irritable days, but for the most part it wasn't as hard as I'd thought it would be. Wohoo!

3) OU had to kick a kid off the football team this week after he had an inappropriate rap on youtube (I'd link it but, of course, it's inappropriate -- it's not hard to find if you're really curious). Tough call, and it wasn't THAT bad in and of itself, but it's also not a first offense. It's sad for the kid, but ultimately I'm happy to be cheering for an organization that's really trying to do things the right way, even when it costs a high-potential player.

4) Had an interesting experience the other day. Walked out of a Chili's after a staff meeting and a random woman whom I'd never met in my life comes up and says, "Do you want to hear an almost dirty joke?" I replied "Almost." (Which I thought was decent for being in the moment, but after further reflection realize that it could be taken to mean that if the joke isn't FULL-ON dirty then I don't want to waste my time, but whatever.) And then she proceeds to tell me a moderately dirty joke (not terrible terrible, but I sure wouldn't tell it to my mom. And it's a lot of fun for me to get a reaction out of my mom). I didn't laugh, mostly because I was just completely overwhelmed at the surrealness of the situation. I think I just sort of stood there looking confused. Who does that? So I turn to go back to my car, and as I'm about to put the key into the lock, the bizarreness of the situation hits me and I haven't stopped laughing since. I really should have tried to do SOMEthing with the situation, but . . . HUH?

5) That's pretty much all for now, kids!

1 comment:

jered said...

5 of our conference's teams are in the top 14. If someone can rise above all that it could bode well for bowl season, no?